DUTCH blog

Mind the gap to answer if it's time for estrogen replacement therapy

Know Your Lab’s Reference Ranges When Prescribing Estrogen Replacement Therapy

By Mark Newman, MS

Mind the Gap: Meaningful Differentiation with DUTCH  Whether you’ve been prescribing hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in your treatment plans for a while, or you’re just…

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Woman running along the waterfront with DUTCH Oats logo in the corner

Ten Organic Acid Biomarkers That Reveal Clues to Patient Wellness

By Debbie Rice, ND, MPH

Organic Acid Testing with DUTCH  Organic acid tests (OATs) are a popular tool to evaluate health. Organic acids are compounds the body makes that influence…

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Female physician listening to her patient during consultation

Improving Treatment Plans for PCOS and Pregnancy

By Kelly Ruef, ND

PCOS is a common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age. PCOS affects an astounding number of women in the US (between six and 12…

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blue lab beaker with a checkmark and the text OK

New Peer-Reviewed Data Shows the Reliability of Urine Hormone Testing to Monitor HRT

By Mark Newman, MS

More reasons to trust DUTCH Testing for HRT monitoring We are always excited to publish data validating our testing, but I have never been more…

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headshot of dr. jaclyn smeaton, nd

Welcome Dr. Jaclyn Smeaton, Chief Medical Officer 

By Sydney Sprouse

Precision Analytical, creators of the DUTCH Test, is happy to announce the arrival of Jaclyn Smeaton, ND, our new Chief Medical Officer (CMO).   Dr.…

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image of nuts, seeds, berries and salmon with the logo for DUTCH organic acids test

Introducing Three New Biomarkers to DUTCH OATs

By Debbie Rice, ND, MPH

At Precision Analytical, we are always striving for the most comprehensive and validated hormone tests. That includes periodic updates to our clinical reports. The organic…

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Female provider discussing the DUTCH Complete with a male patient

Responding to Claims in a Recent Review of the DUTCH Test

By Mark Newman, MS

A recent review of the DUTCH Test by Abby Langer (a registered dietician in Canada) has come to the attention of many of our longtime…

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2022 Message from Mark

By Mark Newman, MS

Throughout the past year, we’ve been reflecting on why we do what we do. We see ourselves as the leader in functional endocrinology, and the…

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Which DUTCH Panel Is Right for Me?

By Clinical Consulting Team

DUTCH testing is unique because it helps identify symptoms of hormonal imbalances by providing a complete picture of a patient’s hormone levels which cannot be…

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A Clinical Nail in the Coffin of the Saliva Testing Model for Transdermal Testosterone Monitoring

By Mark Newman, MS

Download a copy of this article here. What happens when women take 5-20mg of transdermal testosterone (TD T)? The answer contributes to a fundamental question…

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