DUTCH Test Enhancements

Visual representation plays an important role in conveying complex information on DUTCH reports. As we strive for continuous improvement and clarity in our reports, we…

Ginger: Natural Relief for Menstrual Cramps

This post was written by our guest author, Alana Campbell, ND, L.Ac   Severe lower abdominal pain during menstruation, or dysmenorrhea, has an estimated prevalence…

The Role of Adrenals in PCOS

It’s estimated that 20-30% of women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have excess DHEA-S, indicating some degree of adrenal involvement in their condition. Considering…

Metabolic Factors in PCOS

One of the possible etiologies of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is metabolic dysregulation and thus it may be more appropriately called “metabolic reproductive syndrome”. This…

Monitoring HRT with a Dried Urine Hormone Test

A common use of the DUTCH Test is to evaluate and monitor patients on hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT most commonly consists of estrogen, progesterone,…

What to Expect: The Menopause Years

When many women think about menopause, they think of suffering in silence for years with symptoms like hot flashes that culminate with the end of…