Skin Care & Hormones: Environmental Toxins, Chronic Acne & Gut Health

Julie Greenberg, ND

| Episode 70

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Skin Care and Hormones: Environmental Toxins, Chronic Acne & Gut Health

Episode 70

Published June 25, 2024

Learn more about the gut-skin connection in this week’s episode of the DUTCH Podcast! Julie Greenberg, ND, joins Jaclyn Smeaton, ND, to examine:

  • How exposure to environmental toxins can be massive hormone disruptors
  • Seeing the root cause of skin issues through gut testing
  • What to look for on the DUTCH Test when testing for dermatologic concerns

They discuss the lack of regulations for personal care products created in the United States and how important it is for consumers to stay informed and protect themselves. Dr. Greenberg also provides her nutrition recommendations to promote a healthier gut microbiome and skin, as well as personal care tips to limit exposure to toxins.

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About our speaker

Dr. Greenberg is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and Registered Herbalist RH(AHG) who specializes in integrative dermatology. She is passionate about natural skin care and believes that many of today’s chronic skin diseases can be healed by using evidence-based alternative treatments.

Dr. Greenberg’s health journey took her from a career in business to becoming a health care warrior. She received a BA in Economics from Northwestern University and an MBA from Stanford University and had a successful career in finance. But a diagnosis of Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism made her rethink everything she knew about health. A leading endocrinologist wrote her a prescription and told her that there was nothing more they could do for her.

So, Dr. Greenberg got to work researching. She learned that women put an average of 125 chemicals on their skin every day through personal care products, and that many of these chemicals are endocrine disrupters and toxins. She started studying and making her own skin care products and saw the healing power of herbs and plants first hand. She decided to dedicate her life to her passion, and attended Bastyr’s four-year naturopathic medical school. While there she received advanced clinical training with leading experts in dermatology at the University of Washington Medical School and Seattle Children’s Hospital. Dr. Greenberg practices functional medicine and is an expert herbalist. She is dedicated to using science-based research to find better solutions for our skin care diseases.

Show Notes

Visit Dr. Greenberg’s website to learn more and for information on consultations.

Check out Root Cause Dermatology for provider training courses.

Take a look at the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) database to learn more about your personal care products.

To learn more about how the DUTCH Test can profoundly change your patients’ lives through hormone testing, become a DUTCH Provider .

Please Note: The contents of this video are for educational and informational purposes only. The information is not to be interpreted as, or mistaken for, clinical advice. Please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider for medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.

Disclaimer: Special offer of 50% OFF first five kits is invalid 60 days after new provider registration.


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