Libido and Hormone Balance in Men with Dr. Geo Espinosa
Geo Espinosa
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Libido & Hormone Balance for Men
Episode 32
Published February 7, 2023
Sexual wellness can be a sensitive topic. Libido is important for overall health and quality of life. When men struggle to get erections, it could be an indicator of arterial disease, endothelial disease, or diabetes.
Our DUTCH Podcast guest Dr. Geo Espinosa is passionate about helping men achieve the life and health they desire. In this episode, he and Jaclyn Smeaton, ND, go over several approaches to treating low testosterone. They discuss the connections between low libido and systemic disease. And they highlight the importance of exercise in boosting testosterone.
About our speaker
Dr. Geo Espinosa is a naturopathic doctor, licensed acupuncturist and certified functional medicine practitioner recognized as an authority in holistic urology and men’s health. He is a clinical assistant professor and holistic clinician of Urology at New York University Langone Medical Center. Dr. Geo has authored numerous scientific papers and books including co-editing the Integrative Sexual Health book and is the author of the best-selling prostate cancer book: Thrive, Don’t Only Survive.
Please Note: The contents of this video are for educational and informational purposes only. The information is not to be interpreted as, or mistaken for, clinical advice. Please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider for medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.
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Men's Health
Androgens (Testosterone/DHEA)
High Estrogen in Males
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