Beneficial Fasting for Women

Mindy Pelz, DC

| Episode 27

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Beneficial Fasting for Women

Episode 27

Published January 3, 2023

Fasting and female hormones, this podcast has it all. In this episode of the DUTCH Podcast, host Jaclyn Smeaton, ND, interviews world-renowned hormone expert, Dr. Mindy Pelz, on the topic of intermittent fasting. Dr. Pelz dives into the unique role that fasting can play in hormone health, and shares tips on fasting for perimenopause.

Women need to fast differently than men. Dr. Pelz explains the cycle of fasting that correlates with a woman’s menstrual cycle for optimal fasting and hormone success. Women can experience better sleep, and fewer perimenopausal symptoms when fasting appropriately. Don’t sleep on this episode, there is so much to learn!

About our speaker

Dr. Mindy Pelz , D.C is a bestselling author, keynote speaker, nutrition and functional health expert who has spent over two decades helping thousands of people successfully reclaim their health. She is a recognized leader in the alternative health field and a pioneer in the fasting movement, teaching the principles of a fasting lifestyle, diet variation, detox, hormones, and more. Her popular YouTube channel (which just celebrated 23 million lifetime views) regularly updates followers on the latest science-backed tools and techniques to help them reset their health.

She is the host of one of the leading science podcasts, The Resetter Podcast, and the author of three best-selling books ; The Menopause Reset , The Reset Factor , and The Reset Kitchen , and her current book published with Hay House, Fast Like a Girl , is available for pre-order. Dr. Mindy has appeared on national shows like Extra TV and The Doctors , and has been featured in Muscle & Fitness , Well + Good , SHEknows , Healthline , and more.

Please Note: The contents of this video are for educational and informational purposes only. The information is not to be interpreted as, or mistaken for, clinical advice. Please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider for medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.

Disclaimer: Special offer of 50% OFF first five kits is invalid 60 days after new provider registration.


Women's Health

Premenopausal Women

Diet and Fasting

Metabolic Health


Insulin Resistance


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

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