Endocrine Essentials: Estrogens

Debbie Rice, ND

| Episode 6

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Endocrine Essentials: Estrogens

Episode 6

Published May 24, 2022

On this week’s episode, we’re joined by the Director of Clinical Education for Precision Analytical, Dr. Debbie Rice , to explain estrogen and estrogen metabolis m . Dr. Rice is an expert in female hormone health and will dive into the complexities of estrogen including w here it’s created, how the body use s it , and what happens when there’s too much . Join us this week as we talk about the importance of estrogen and why it’s so often misunderstood .

About our speaker

Dr. Rice is the Director of Clinical Education for Precision Analytical and practices part-time as a naturopathic doctor where she focuses care on pediatric health, hormone health, thyroid health, and adrenal health. She has had experience working with communities in need, both in the United States and internationally. Her training has been primarily in women's health, pediatric care, hormone therapy and hormone function, as well as complimentary adjunct care. Dr. Rice utilizes multiple modalities including diet and lifestyle, botanical medicine, and conventional approaches that meet the patient where they are in their health journey.

Please Note: The contents of this video are for educational and informational purposes only. The information is not to be interpreted as, or mistaken for, clinical advice. Please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider for medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.

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Women's Health

Premenopausal Women

Estrogen and Progesterone

Menstrual Cycle


Heavy Menses



Breast Health

Breast Cancer


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