The Role of Adrenals in PCOS
by Kelly Ruef, ND
It’s estimated that 20-30% of women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have excess DHEA-S, indicating some degree of adrenal involvement in their condition. Considering…
It’s estimated that 20-30% of women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have excess DHEA-S, indicating some degree of adrenal involvement in their condition. Considering…
Not all cortisol tests are created equal. For your patient complaining of anxiety and fatigue, a standard test kit that measures free cortisol levels throughout…
DUTCH exists to make it easier for patients and their healthcare providers to find answers to complex clinical questions through industry-leading functional hormone testing and…
The DUTCH Test™ is well-recognized for its reporting that is not available from other laboratories. The cortisol metabolites in the adrenal section are among the…
Cortisol imbalance can be the cause to many different day-to-day issues, such as feeling light headed, irritability, and even depression. Getting yourself tested with a reliable hormone test,…