8 Ways DUTCH Fits in with Your Telemedicine Practice

Clinical Consulting Team

| 04/20/2020

8 Ways DUTCH Fits in with Your Telemedicine Practice

by Clinical Consulting Team

During these trying times, taking care of your patients is ESSENTIAL to their overall individual and collective health.

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads, many functional medicine practices are grappling with a decline in patient visits. Telemedicine and virtual visit care platforms which allow healthcare professionals and patients to meet by phone or video chat seems tailor-made for this moment in time. While telemedicine is often touted as a convenience for patients who are busy, far away, or unable to travel due to severe weather or urgent conditions, the current crisis makes virtual care solutions an indispensable tool.

  • Because many typical, in-person office visits such as follow-ups and explaining lab results can be done via telemedicine, it is an essential tool in keeping your patients at home and reducing the traffic and potential contagion in your offices
  • With access to testing limited, telemedicine can be an invaluable tool in screening potential covid-19 patients

DUTCH is here to support you and your telemedicine practice.
In fact, we are proud to be an extension of your virtual care!

Here are EIGHT ways our testing and team supports you and your patients’ needs:

  1. DUTCH tests are noninvasive, with simple at-home collection for your patients
  2. ALL our hormone panels can be shipped directly to your patients
    • Learn more about DUTCH panels here
    • You can place drop-ship orders easily through your secure, online portal or by calling our customer service at 503-687-2050
  3. We offer a wealth of online support resources for patients, including videos on how to collect specimen samples
  4. Our first-class customer experience team is available by phone to answer any of your patient’s questions regarding collection
  5. DUTCH’s world class reporting tells the patient’s full hormone story
  6. Our in-house hormone experts are available to review patient results and answer your questions
  7. DUTCH providers receive exclusive access to resources and tools to help with interpretation and treatment
  8. We offer patient referrals

DUTCH exists to make it easier for patients and providers to find answers to complex clinical questions affecting their everyday lives. Even during these difficult times, we want you to know we are here to make your telemedicine practice a little easier, and even during COVID-19 we are fully committed to our mission of improving the lives of those who trust us for their laboratory testing needs. Want to learn more about becoming a DUTCH provider? Let us know today !

Questions? Please feel free to contact us at
or by calling 503-687-2050.


Laboratory Testing: In-Depth Look at DUTCH Urine Testing

Functional Laboratory Testing: General