Our Favorite Supplements: Supporting 12 Common DUTCH Test Patterns
Clinical Consulting Team
To celebrate this holiday season, we, the DUTCH Clinical Team, thought it would be festive to share our 12 favorite supplements with you! But we’ll be upfront right away: we couldn’t narrow it down to just 12 supplements. There were too many notable ones to choose from! So instead, we’ve categorized them into 12 common DUTCH Test patterns.
Of course, diet, lifestyle, and treating the cause are always at the forefront of our minds when it comes to optimizing hormones and nutrient status (check out the DUTCH Interpretive Guide!). However, supplements can be a key addition for some patient profiles. Here at Precision Analytical, although we cannot offer personalized supplement recommendations, we delight in talking about the overall role that supplementation plays in women’s and men’s health. In fact, we often have detailed discussions amongst ourselves (nerd alert!) about the research findings, efficacy, and utility of supplements.
As a member of the DUTCH clinical team, we get the perk of sharing our tried-and-true formulations with each other, but this month in December, we’d love to share our favorite supplements with YOU! Some of these supplements contain a combination of herbs and nutrients, while others have one single ingredient. One thing is true amongst them all, however: they are all on our “DUTCH FAVORITES” list!
DISCLAIMER: The information in this blog is provided for informational and educational purposes only and is not medical or treatment advice. Any information and statements regarding dietary or herbal supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The use of any information provided in this presentation is solely at our own discretion.
#1: Overall Female Cycle Support
One DUTCH Test pattern we commonly see is low sex hormones in cycling women. Many of these patients struggle with mood issues, low libido, fatigue, night sweats with the onset of menses, irregular cycles, and more. In these cases, many providers will turn to chaste tree berry and maca, as they are known for their ability to modulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis and improve the brain’s communication with the ovaries. Many cycle support formulations include one or several of these herbs.
DUTCH Favorites:
- Chaste Tree Berry by Vitanica
- FemRebalance by Vitanica
- Maca by Femmenessence
- Vitex Berry by Gaia Herbs
#2: Phase 1 Estrogen Detox Support
A 4-OH preference on a DUTCH Test report can be an alarming finding due to its association with increased breast cancer risk. Often times during consultations, we are discussing how to lower this 4-OH preference with supplements that contain diindolylmethane (DIM), indole-3-carbinol (I3C), rosemary, sulforaphane, n-acetylcysteine (NAC), resveratrol, and more. These can all decrease DNA damage from 4-OH reactive quinones in different ways. It’s important to note that DIM and I3C tend to lower circulating estrogen levels as well, which may or may not be desired.

DUTCH Favorites:
- BroccoProtect by Designs for Health
- DIM Detox by Pure Encapsulations
- Resvoxitrol by Ortho Molecular Products
- Tri-Fortify Liposomal Glutathione by Researched Nutritionals
#3: Phase 2 Estrogen Detox (Methylation) Support
Poor methylation on the DUTCH Test, represented by a low percentage in the “2-Methoxy / 2-OH” slider bar, can exacerbate phase 1 metabolite concerns, and even contribute to estrogen excess. For example, the 2-OH and 4-OH phase 1 estrogen metabolites mainly get methylated in phase 2 and if methylation is slow, these (unstable!) phase 1 metabolites can build up in the body and be problematic. Fortunately, there are many supplements that can support methylation, from methylated B vitamins to magnesium and trimethylglycine (aka “TMG” or “betaine”). These various nutrients support methylation via the folate and methionine cycles.
Note that phase 3 estrogen detox (excretion of estrogen from the body via bile, stool, and urine) may also need support. The DUTCH Test does not include any direct phase 3 estrogen detoxification markers; however, it does measure Indican, a gastrointestinal tract dysbiosis marker. Elevated Indican may identify people with dysbiosis, which may impact estrogen levels and detoxification.

DUTCH Favorites:
- B-Supreme by Designs for Health
- MethylCare by Metagenics
- Methyl-Guard and Methyl-Guard Plus by Thorne
- Super Methyl-SP by Apex Energetics
#4: Herbal Testosterone Support
Androgens like testosterone and DHEA naturally decline with age, but many men and women find that their androgens are plummeting faster than they’d like! This can be problematic, as low androgens can lead to weight gain, difficulty building muscle mass, mood issues, low libido, brain fog, sexual dysfunction, and more. Some providers find that herbs such as Tribulus, tongkat ali, fenugreek, and maca help to improve androgen levels, or at least help to improve androgen deficiency symptoms.
DUTCH Favorites for Males:
- LibidoStim-M by Designs for Health (contains DIM)
- Testogain by Douglas Labs
- Testoplex by Xymogen
- Testosterone Formula by Integrative Therapeutics
DUTCH Favorites for Females:
- FemVitality by Vitanica
- LibidoStim-F by Designs for Health (contains DHEA)
- Maca by Femmenessence
- Testogain by Douglas Labs
#5: Natural 5a-Reductase Blockers
The DUTCH Test results include a “5a-Reductase Activity” slider bar that can give insight into whether a patient is metabolizing relatively more of their androgens down the less androgenic beta pathway, or the more androgenic alpha pathway (or if they are well-balanced between the two pathways). This can be insightful because if alpha androgen metabolites elevate too much, females may experience acne, hirsutism, and androgenic alopecia and males may experience prostate-related issues. Many times we will see women with PCOS and insulin resistance favoring the more potent alpha pathway. Natural 5a-blockers can help, as they lower 5a-reductase activity and thus lower alpha androgen levels. They include saw palmetto, reishi mushroom, nettle root, Pygeum africanum, and EGCG.

DUTCH Favorites:
- Ovablend by Vitanica (designed for females when blood sugar support is also desired)
- Prosta-DHT by Apex Energetics
- Reishi by Host Defense
- Saw palmetto, Pygeum, Nettle Root by Vital Nutrients
#6: High Cortisol Support
When patients’ free cortisol and/or free cortisone diurnal rhythm(s) are elevated on the DUTCH Test, they are often times struggling with stress, mood issues, and sleep disturbances. High cortisol is also associated with insulin resistance, weight gain, brain fog, inflammation, pain, high blood pressure, hair loss, and immune suppression. Calming and balancing adaptogenic herbs like holy basil, skullcap, and ashwagandha are widely used by providers in an attempt to lower elevated cortisol. Nervine herbs such as passionflower, valerian, magnolia, and lemon balm can also be helpful if the high cortisol is due to sympathetic overdrive.
DUTCH Favorites:
- CatecholaCalm by Designs for Health
- Cortisol Manager by Integrative Therapeutics
- Cortisol Relief by Vitanica
- Daytime HPA and Nighttime HPA by Gaia Herbs
#7: Low Cortisol Support
Conversely, when patients’ free cortisol and free cortisone diurnal rhythms are low on the DUTCH Test, they are often times struggling with fatigue, burnout, low mood, and low motivation. Low cortisol is also associated with low libido, dizziness, weakness, fainting, sleep apnea, orthostatic hypotension, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), concussions, and PTSD. To support cortisol levels, providers may turn to adaptogens such as panax ginseng, rhodiola, bacopa, and schizandra. Licorice is also a favorite for low cortisol support; however, caution is warranted in individuals with hypertension as licorice limits the deactivation of free cortisol into free cortisone and can increase blood pressure.
DUTCH Favorites:
- a-Drenal by RLC Labs
- Adrenal Complex by Mediherb (contains licorice)
- Adrenotone by Designs for Health (contains licorice)
- TruAdapt and TruAdapt Plus by Ortho Molecular Products (contains licorice)
#8: Slow Cortisol Clearance Rate (CCR) Support
A patient is said to have a slow cortisol clearance rate (CCR), also known as a “hypometabolic pattern,” when their metabolized cortisol dial points relatively lower than their total (or 24-hour) free cortisol and cortisone dials on the DUTCH Test. This pattern may indicate that cortisol clearance from circulation (blood) is slow. Hypothyroidism, low calorie intake (anorexia), low bile acids, poor liver function, and suboptimal mitochondrial health are all associated with a slow CCR.

DUTCH Favorites (Thyroid Support):
- ThyroFem by Vitanica
- Thyroid Support Complex by Pure Encapsulations
- Thyroid Support Liquid Phyto-Caps by Gaia Herbs
- Thyrotain by Ortho Molecular Products
DUTCH Favorites (Liver Support):
- Hepa Cleanse by Priority One
- Lipotropic Complex by Integrative Therapeutics
- Liver C by Mountain Peak Nutritionals
- PhytoCore by Ortho Molecular Products
DUTCH Favorites (Mitochondrial Support):
- Energy Multi-Plex by Researched Nutritionals
- Mitochondrial NRG by Designs for Health
- MitoCORE by Ortho Molecular Products
- PQQ-10 by Bioclinic Naturals
#9: Fast Cortisol Clearance Rate (CCR) Support
A patient is said to have a fast cortisol clearance rate (CCR), also known as a “hypermetabolic pattern,” when their metabolized cortisol dial points relatively higher than their total (or 24-hour) free cortisol and cortisone dials on the DUTCH Test. This pattern may indicate that cortisol clearance from circulation (blood) is fast. Obesity, insulin resistance, inflammation, and hyperthyroidism are all associated with a fast CCR.

DUTCH Favorites (Blood Sugar Support):
- Berb-Evail by Designs for Health
- Blood Sugar Support by Vital Nutrients
- Metabolic Manager by Vitanica
- Myo-Inositol Plus by Bioclinic Naturals
DUTCH Favorites (Inflammation Support):
- Boswelya Plus by Ayush Herbs
- Inflammatone by Designs for Health
- InflaThera by Klaire Labs
- Zyflamend by New Chapter
#10: Low Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) Support
The CAR is an HPA axis resiliency marker, and it allows us to estimate a patient’s ability to cope with stress. It is measured as the percent difference between the waking and the 30-minute free cortisol. A low CAR is associated with burnout, chronic stress, major depression, PTSD, sleep apnea, and much more. Some patients with a low CAR may benefit from supplements that nourish and repair the hippocampus, as the hippocampus plays a central role in the regulation of the CAR.
Conversely, note that an elevated CAR is often times treated similarly as high cortisol (see “#6: High Cortisol Support” above).
DUTCH Favorites:
- Bacopa Plus by Ayush Herbs
- Brain Reset by Pure Encapsulations
- Brain Vitale by Designs for Health
- MycoBotanicals Brain by Host Defense
#11: Low Homovanillate (HVA) Support
HVA is a dopamine metabolite that can be measured in the urine. When it is low, it may signify low dopamine, however, if symptoms do not match up with the HVA results, consider prioritizing treatment based on symptoms. Low dopamine may be associated with depression, addictions, cravings, apathy, pleasure-seeking behaviors, increased sleepiness, impulsivity, tremors, low motivation, fatigue, and low mood. We often will see low HVA when a patient also has low cortisol and low androgens. When patients are experiencing symptoms of low dopamine, sometimes providers turn to dopamine-supporting formulations that include B6, vitamin C, tyrosine, and/or dopamine precursors like mucuna (contains L-DOPA) or DL-phenylalanine.
DUTCH Favorites (Dopamine Support):
- Balance D by NeuroScience
- DopaBoost by Designs for Health
- Dopamine Assist by Vitanica
- Macuna Plus by Ayush Herbs
#12: High 8-OHdG Support
A high 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) result on the DUTCH Test can be alarming, as this marker elevates from oxidative stress and DNA damage. 8-OHdG is considered pro-mutagenic and is a biomarker for various cancer and degenerative disease initiation and promotion states. When elevated, many providers turn to antioxidant support formulations that include vitamin C, vitamin E, alpha lipoic acid, N-acetylcysteine, selenium, magnesium, taurine, EGCG, curcuminoids, sulforaphane, and more.
DUTCH Favorites (Oxidative Stress Support):
- CytoQuel by Researched Nutritionals
- Cyto-Redoxin by Integrative Therapeutics
- Liposomal Glutathione by Quicksilver Scientific
- NAC by Integrative Therapeutics
We hope our “DUTCH FAVORITES” list is helpful for you this December, but also into the new year of 2025! From the clinical team here at Precision Analytical, we wish you and your family safe, healthy, and happy holidays!
To learn more about the DUTCH Test and to gain access to more expert clinical education, comprehensive patient reports, and validated and peer-reviewed research, become a DUTCH Provider.
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